NATA's Mission

The North Area Transportation Alliance (NATA) is a partnership of public and private entities in the North Denver metro area working to identify, develop, advocate and lobby at the local, state and federal level for multimodal transportation solutions that will enhance sustainable mobility options and improve transit service, promote economic opportunity to improve quality of life and reduce traffic congestion to safely and equitably move all people in the north metro area.

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month in person. Please visit our NATA Updates page for current and previous meeting information, agendas, minutes, and more. Information for the next upcoming meeting is shown at the top of the page in the announcement bar.

Geographic Area

NATA serves active member communities generally located south of the Boulder/Larimer County line extended along the US 85/SH2 as the east/southeast border, to US 36/I-270 corridors, to US 287. The geographic area may be expanded to include other major transportation connections that are key to carrying out NATA's mission. See Geographic Area Map.


The philosophy of membership is one of inclusion - local governments, economic development organizations, business organizations, educational and other non-profit organizations within the North Metro and northern Front Range areas interested in supporting transportation issues along the North I-25 Corridor and within the NATA geographic area. Private sector, economic development, and non-profit members will be recruited with the assistance of the locally elected members of NATA. For more information on founding members, voting members, and steering committee, click here.

Key NATA Information and Bylaws

Administration of NATA by Smart Commute TMO

The purpose of this organization is to reduce congestion and improve air quality in the north area through a set of strategies that encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation. To learn more about Smart Commute-supported projects in the NATA area, please check Smart Commute’s website under “Advocacy”. For more information please contact us at the email address below: